Unlocking Niche Opportunities Across Asset Classes
Preserver Partners' philosophy is to generate long-term positive absolute returns across market cycles while also preserving capital. To that end, we invest opportunistically across classes, strategies, and capital structures while seeking downside protection through investment selection and risk-based portfolio construction.
Investment Approach
Opportunistic investments and security selection
Publicly traded securities and private market assets
Invests across asset classes and in uncorrelated, niche strategies
Seek downside protection through investment selection and risk-based portfolio construction
Optimize investment vehicle selection based on expected duration of investment thesis, expected return drivers, desired liquidity, and fee considerations
Internally-managed multi-asset portfolio, including individual securities
Externally-managed, traditional LP private investments
Hybrid portfolios, ranging from bespoke vehicles co-managed with external investment partners, separate accounts, and note offerings
Our Investment Advantages
Few direct competitors
Niche investments
Focus on portfolio yield
Use of internally managed portfolios
Investor network referrals
Awards & Recognition
BarclayHedge Yearly Performance Award
Top 10 Fund of Funds - Diversified
BarclayHedge Monthly Performance Award
Top 10 Fund of Funds - Diversified
Preserver Partners Foundation
Our mission is to strengthen the community by investing resources in programs that promote education, economic opportunity, and social justice.